Wednesday, 11 April 2007

Country Living: Our Man in Arundel

Well, following on from yesterday's theme, it's definitely summer. I've seen my first Arundel parking ticket of 2007.

Now, I need to mention that some Arundel folk are a bit precious about parking. It's hardly surprising, really - there's not enough room in town for visitors and residents. In the winter, the single yellow lines get used judiciously during the day (and some of the double yellow lines are used in the evening, too). No-one really worries too much.

But in the summer, it's a different story. The hotels and B&Bs fill up, more people visit for the day... and you're sometimes lucky to find a parking space anywhere in town, even in the evening. That's when the local police start paying a bit more attention to inappropriate parking. It's obviously that time of year, judging by the ticketed BMW I saw today.

And there's another coffee shop opening in town. Well, it was either going to be that or antiques, I suppose. Oh, and our hardware shop has disappeared. On a slightly more positive note, we do now have a used car dealership here. Sadly nothing I could afford except a Skoda Felicia, so I'm sticking to the bus for now.



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