Yes, it's true. After much thought and conversation, I'm putting my house (or "two-bedroom character cottage", as I prefer to think of it these days) on the market. My plan is to head over the border to East Sussex, a county that has the benefit of containing my girlfriend.
Anyway, I was visited yesterday by my chosen estate agent who measured the house with his sonic tape-measure. Cool or what? It's only a step away from David Tennant and his sonic screwdriver. Before you know it, he'll be showing Dalek Sec around. "Yeah, lovely place but I’m not sure my friends can handle the stairs..."
Still, I digress. I've never really sold a house before. There have always been odd circumstances that involved other people doing it for me. So I'm looking forward to this. Sort of.
Stay tuned for more exciting adventures of Del Arun and his incredible disappearing house...
Labels: arundel, del arun, estate agent, house, moving